
Q: How do I place an order?

A: Place your order through the ordering portal


Q: Will you send me an acknowledgment for my order?

A: Yes. We will e-mail or fax your acknowledgment at the time of order entry. You should verify all the information on the order acknowledgment to make sure everything is correct.


Q: Is there a minimum order requirement?

A: Yes. Contact Customer Service for details


Q: Is there a prepaid Freight policy?

A: Yes. Contact Customer Service for details.


Q: Can I get my Company logo on the covers?

A: Yes. There is a set-up fee to have the die made. We will provide our requirements for the logo die to be made. Each order must specify if the logo die is to be used. There will be a small fee to have it added to each cover on your order.


Q: How can I get literature and Catalogs?

A: All of our individual product cut sheets are available on our website under products and PDF downloads.  You can download and print from here.  You can also keep your current catalog up to date from this site.

  • If you are a new customer, you can email Customer Service at


Q: How can I get my Catlow price list?

A: Call the Customer Service Department to request your price list.